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Kate Moss got the boot from H&M because she did cocaine. That sucks. H&M sucks. Some "moral code" was quoted in Moss's release, like her employer just couldn't be associated with drug use. Hello, H&M? Have you heard of anorexia, bulimia, obsessive compulsion, narcissism, anemia, racism, sexism, male white corporate oppression? What's your role in making those things moral?
Have you heard about supermodelling? Maybe a titch about heroin and how it keeps the weight down enough to satisfy designers, photographers and fashion editors?
So these H&M folks, would-be Vikings of the runway, seem to have swooped down from Scandinavia just long enough to pick up that winning ability to capture the vacant stare and sell it to their customers all the while this PR fracas plays out. H&M plays industry-dumb; the optics are great.

*H&M loosely translates to "hers and men's" ... Karl Lagerfeld (photographer, inset) peddled his wares last year in an exclusive H&M line ... H&M's most infamous majority stockholder is the Church of Sweden.
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